Our expert selection of evidence-based treatments for uneven skin colour.
If sun damage or brown marks is a problem for you, these treatments will give instant relief while programming the skin to improve over time.
Skin makes pigment in response to inflammation and damage.
Healite™ calms inflammation to slow the production of pigment, while repairing skin so it doesn't feel the need to keep making protective pigment.
At the same time your skin will become more hydrated, firm and flexible.
Best for: pigment with inflammation, sensitive, dehydrated
Sensation: relaxing
Downtime: none
Suitable during pregnancy & 4th trimester
30 min $110 / series of 6 $550
A gel that melts away surface pigment gently, while specialised nutrients dive deep to reprogram the pigment-making cells. Skin is left hydrated, soft, with a more even tone. A gentle yet powerful treatment suitable for even sensitive skin.
Best for: sensitive, beginners, epidermal pigment
Sensation: tingling, warm, comfortable
Downtime: none
Suitable in pregnancy & 4th trimester
30 min $148 / series of 6 $745
When your skin is prepared with our skincare, you qualify for a deeper transformation using Alpha Beta. 2 types of acid combine to release further layers of the skin, shedding pigment trapped in those layers. As a powerful anti-inflammatory it will also reduce the stimulation of the pigment producing cells.
Best for: all types of pigment
Sensation: hot for 1-3 minutes during, then calm
Downtime: pinkness for 1-3 hours, can cover with makeup, light flaking at day 5-7
Suitable in pregnancy & 4th trimester
30 min $198 / series of 5 $995
To reach the source of the pigment - the melanocyte - we need to reach the basement membrane of the skin. This is where the dermis and the epidermis meet.
Dermapen4™ uses a pen filled with micro-needles. It breaks up the lakes of pigment trapped in skins upper layers, and normalises the melanocytes in the deeper layers. If your pigment has reached the stage of being dermal (your therapist will tell you if this is the case during consultation) Dermapen is literally the only option available which does not carry a risk of making the situation worse. All treatments with heat are off the table for you, so Dermapen is a safe, heat-free option with good outcomes possible. Dermapen is performed 10-12 times over a year to slowly re-educate the skin and work the pigment out.
Best for: all types of pigment both epidermal, dermal, hormonal, sun induced
Sensation: prickling for 5-10 min during, comfortable
Downtime: pink for 1-2 days, can cover with makeup
Unsuitable in pregnancy & 4th trimester
45 min $349 / series of 6 $1745
A precision laser light concentrates in the pigment, making it rise to the skin surface where it will naturally shed over coming weeks. Delivers a clear, milky complexion quickly, while also making skin firmer & more flexible.
Best for: epidermal pigment, sun damage
Sensation: flicking, warmth, mostly comfortable
Downtime: pink for 1-3 days, brown marks darken & take 2 weeks to rise & fall off, can cover with makeup
Unsuitable in pregnancy & 4th trimester
Face 30 min $199
Decolletage 30 min $199
Face, neck & decolletage $249