Remove sun damage, redness and mottled complexions from your arms, legs, chest, back and anywhere on your body.
We use precise laser to destroy the brown and red pigments in sun damage or blood vessels in the skin surface. It will clarify your skin tone and boost collagen production, giving you a younger, clearer, firmer skin.
We highly recommend Laser Colour Correction for your arms & legs, it can make you look years younger. Suitable for men and women.
Laser Colour Correction décolletage
Includes from collar bones to collar line of a low scooped t-shirt.
30 min $199
Laser Colour Correction back & shoulders
Includes from waistline to collar-line of the neck, and over your shoulders down to the bicep crease.
Laser Colour Correction chest & stomach
Includes from waistline to collar-bone.
Laser Colour Correction back of hands
Includes both hands from wrists to as far as you wish. Some people will include fingers, especially if their goal is to make hands look plumper & smoother.
Laser Colour Correction arms
Includes from the singlet line to the fingertips.
Laser Colour Correction half legs
Lower half includes from just above the knee to the toes. Front & backs of legs are included.
Upper half is the bikini line to just above the knee. Front & backs of legs are included.
Laser Colour Correction full legs
Includes from the underwear line to the toes. Front & backs of legs are included.